Do Your Business Values Include Having Fun?

Not everyone in business, by any means, subscribes in practice to the idea of business values being crucial, or even just important, for a business.  From what we learn of the more egregious examples of corporate misdoings, and personally from some of the negative experiences I’ve had as a business owner and as a customer […]

How to Amp Up Your LinkedIn Presence in 2013

30 Day Linking Blitz

I meet so many business owners and executives who, when LinkedIn is mentioned, say something like “Yes, I must do something about LinkedIn one day”. If that’s you, here’s your chance. And it won’t cost you a red cent. Just some time: as in, about 20 minutes a day, six days a week, over a […]

How to Have an Ergonomic Chair and Desk Without Spending Thousands

Home Office Command Centre by Zach Beauvais via Flickr Creative Commons CC BY-SA 2.0

If you’ve set up a home office recently you’ll know it’s really easy to spend thousands of dollars on those old basics, a good chair and desk. And why not, if money is no object? Especially if you are working full time from home and are going to be spending a lot of time in […]

A Gmail Address with a Fake Name Won’t Cut it for Guest Posting

Venetian Mask - image from Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons licence

(This is a temporary “Claim Code” entry for Technorati to verify my claim on ownership of this blog: 6MFG8NXDDUV2 – it will be removed once the blog has been verified.) It seems like every other day I get an offer from someone to provide guest posts on this site. Sometimes that turns out well, as […]

Why Catching Up with Friends for a Chat is Good for Your Business

Coffee Time picture by antwerpenR on Flickr CC BY 2.0

Coffee Time picture by antwerpenR on Flickr CC BY 2.0

One thing I regret about how I handled the early phase of setting up and managing my home based business is that I did not put enough value on catching up regularly with friends and former colleagues for a general chat.

I did meet up with people, but too often that was an excuse for a pitch session on my part, looking for business either from them directly or from people to whom they might refer me.

Not that there is anything wrong with pitching.

It’s just that it took me a while to realize that when that was the purpose of my invitation to get tother, the courteous thing to do, the proper business etiquette, was to be upfront about the fact that I wanted to pitch my ideas or business proposition.