Looking for Something to Tweet? LinkedIn Updates to the Rescue

My LinkedIn Updates with default All

Tweet With LinkedIn Updates you need never want for Twitter content So you’ve been to the networking breakfast and the guest speaker told you that regular, frequent tweets are essential to building your presence on Twitter. But what to tweet? For some people, that never seems to be an issue. For others, it’s a challenge. [...]

How a Quick Tweet Earned Me Some New Boardies

This is kind of a fun post, with a hopefully useful angle in terms of using Twitter for business.

Weekly #blogchat Thread on Twitter Not to be Missed

Tweet Mack Collier’s Sunday night #blogchat discussion on Twitter wins fans One of the neat things that has happened on the social networking platform Twitter is the emergence of “hashtag chats”, where the use of a # hashtag in a tweet lines that tweet up in a discoverable stream of tweets using the same hashtag. [...]

I Blame Facebook for Debasing the Language of Friendship and Practice of Networking

Good Friends, Béziers - Anne in Béziers photostream, Flickr, Creative Commons

We need to talk about Friends, Fans, “Likers”, Connectors and Followers: “friends” online can be different from the traditional, offline concept

Caffeine Helps Reduce Typos on Twitter


Tweet Doing some early tweeting this morning I typed “orporate” for “corporate”. Hadn’t had my coffee. Better now.