ThinkFree Not So Free for Aussies and Kiwis

Look, we know we Aussies don’t have a big population compared to giants like the USA and China. But we are people. We have feelings. And we like things that are free. Or seem to be. Like ThinkFree Online, which is free – unless you happen to be Australian. In which case you have to [...]

Blogger and Podcaster Union Talk on The Mediasphere

I got up early, as in before 5 am, this morning to be able to participate in a podcast session on BlogTalk Radio, with Jim Turner, Tris Hussey and guest Aaron Brazell. The session was billed as being about “blogger unions, podcast unions and freedom of speech”. Very early in the session there was a [...]

aideRSS Helps Deal With RSS Overwhelm

In recent weeks, on my Business and Blogging site on the b5media business channel, I’ve been looking at some favorite feed readers – not all my favorites, some mine, some favorites of others. I looked at NewsGator Online, BlogBridge, Bloglines, Google Reader and FeedDemon. Each has its strengths. In the course of the evaluation, one [...]