What Do You Like Best About Running a Business from Home?

home officeSome people don’t relate well to the idea of running a business from home.

And some do it as a temporary thing, until they can put together the resources and the sustainable profitability that makes it feasible to move the business out of home and into premises they regard as more suitable for business.

Some of us love running our business from home.

And with the technology now available and the ubiquity of outsourcing resources,  it’s easier than ever before.

Four years ago I started a series of posts here on the theme “Working from Home and Loving It“. Although the title was about “working from home”, which could still, and often does mean “working for the Man”, my focus there was on running a business from home.

Other posts in the series were:

In that first post of the series I mentioned that over half the businesses in the USA are run out of people’s homes. I don’t know how many that is, but as of 2009 there were 27.9 million businesses, we could assume it’s somewhere over 13.9 million.

So while some people might think it’s an exception to run a business from home, from those figures it looks to me like it’s perfectly normal. At least as far as the US Government’s Small Business Administration is concerned, the “not a real business” myth is just that.

Do the people running those businesses from home love doing it that way, or at least like it? I don’t know of any statistics on that, but it would be interesting to have an idea.

And it would be interesting to know just what some readers of this blog might love – or like, if you prefer – about running their business from home.

For me, a few of the things I like most (actually *love*) about running my business from home are:

  • 30 second commute
  • dress as I choose (sometimes dress up a bit for onscreen conferences!)
  • integration of “what I do” with “who I am”
  • more modest outgoings on overheads mean more profitability

Care to play? What do you like best about running a business from home?

(And if you haven’t yet taken the plunge, what do you think you would like best about it?)

Image credit: New Home Office by Zach Beauvais via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0





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About Des Walsh

I show business owners and other professionals how to navigate the social media maze and use LinkedIn effectively. I'm an author, speaker, business coach, social media strategist and LinkedIn specialist. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Google Plus and Twitter. And to stay in the loop, get my weekly Social Business Bites.