Amplify Your LinkedIn Presence with a Company Page

LinkedIn penI never cease to be amazed by the fact that many companies, small and large, are missing out on the opportunity to promote their company or brand via the LinkedIn Company Page feature.

One of the many recent changes in features and functionality on the LinkedIn professional networking platform is that the company page is now able to be configured and adjusted in various ways that can help us amplify our LinkedIn presence.

And all at no cost if you are a basic member, or no extra cost if you have a Premium membership.

All it takes is a bit of time. How much time depends on how well you want your company or brand to look. But you can do a lot in under two hours, depending on how uploadable and configurable your content is.

It’s not hard to do. In my blog post LinkedIn 101: Company Pages, for the MYOB blog The Pulse, I explain the basics of setting up your Company Page.

In that post I make the point that the “company” does not have to be an incorporated entity, such as an LLC in the United States, a Pty Ltd company in Australia, etc.  You can set up a company page just for a brand.

Don’t stop at just a description of the company

A lot of companies, large and small, set up company pages on LinkedIn, then neglect to provide any information under the tab for products or services. That’s like saying, “Hello, we’re here, but we don’t want to sell you anything.”

Put some work into the image

Depending on your graphic skills and tools, the only thing you might need help with is the image at the top of the page.

If you or a team or family member has Photoshop or similar, you will be able to put something together.

I’m no graphic designer, but I made the image below using Photoshop Elements (an ancient version, 2.0).

Des Walsh dot Com Company Page LinkedInAnd in case the Photoshop or Photoshop option is out of reach, in another blog post, Don’t Waste the Picture Space on Your LinkedIn Company Page, I’ve explained about how to set up the image and some options other than Photoshop.

It’s a no-brainer

When you check on what your competitors have done – or not done – about LinkedIn company pages, you might be surprised at how few of your competitors are seizing this opportunity and at how simple a matter it is for you to use this extra way of getting your story out.

Does opportunity knock for you here?


Des Walsh provides a range of LinkedIn coaching and “done for you” services.

Contact details for Des at this link.


Image credit: LinkedIn pen from The Seafarer – Sheila S via Flickr CC BY 2.0

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About Des Walsh

I show business owners and other professionals how to navigate the social media maze and use LinkedIn effectively. I'm an author, speaker, business coach, social media strategist and LinkedIn specialist. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Google Plus and Twitter. And to stay in the loop, get my weekly Social Business Bites.


  1. Great blog post! I agree that many are missing out on a great way to promote their company/business on Linkedin.